The Prosecutor General is puzzled by the wave of criticism regarding the institution he is heading, especially after the controversial businessman Veaceslav Platon left the country. According to Alexandr Stoianoglo, Platon had no ban on leaving the Republic of Moldova, and if he does not return soon and does not appear in court, he will be placed in international search. Regarding his resignation, Stoianoglo suggests that he will not do so, as he was not appointed on political grounds. Moreover, he attacked PAS members, declaring that those like Litvinenco and Stamate did not raise any finger for the Republic of Moldova, so they are not entitled to evaluate him.
Accused by several political actors of behaving like a lawyer for the businessman Veaceslav Platon, the Prosecutor General says that the accusations of involvement in the case of the theft of the billion have been withdrawn from Platon, as it was found that he had no involvement in the theft. Moreover, according to Stoianoglo, Veaceslav Platon has the right to go where he wants and even more, he has the opportunity to stay as long as he wants.
“We did not do this in the interest of Platon, but in the interest of the law. I do not believe that we can build rule of law at the expense of innocent people. Following the investigations I made, I came to the conclusion that the crime of which Platon is accused was committed by another person. It’s Plahotniuc. Through Șor’s companies, Plahotniuc took the money from the theft of which Platon is accused. We cannot blame Plahotniuc as long as he is not indicted by Platon “, said Alexandr Stoianoglo in a TV show.
Stoianoglo is convinced that Platon will return to the Republic of Moldova, because it would be in his interest to prove his innocence.
“From the information I have, Platon left for Great Britain. If he ran, he did it to his detriment. There are no restrictions, that’s why I don’t understand why a citizen of the Republic of Moldova cannot leave and enter the country freely. If he does not return to the country, preventive measures will be changed against him and he will be announced in an international search. But Platon is not limited in time to return, “said Stoianoglo.
In the same show, the Prosecutor General stated that he did not intend to resign after the Action and Solidarity Party took over the government, as he would have won a competition organized by the Government and was not appointed on political grounds.
“I was not appointed on political grounds. I passed and won the contest prepared by the Government led by Maia Sandu. It is not my fault that the person she promoted did not win, ”said the prosecutor.
He also mentioned that before his appointment he had a meeting with Maia Sandu, the latter being satisfied with his performance.
“Why do I have to leave? What did I do? Previous prosecutors have been accused of fabricating investigations on demand. Not only did I not fabricate any files, during my term there were no files regarding businessmen, journalists, civil society representatives or local government representatives. People forgot how scared they were two years ago. We don’t have that. We have changed the functionality of the General Prosecutor’s Office for the better. The level of corruption has decreased. We have a different Prosecutor’s Office today. We still have total demotivation of the people in the Prosecutor’s Office. I don’t want to be a traitor. I want the people working in the Prosecutor’s Office to have a future. That the Prosecutor’s Office is not like a ball at someone’s foot “added Stoianoglo.
The Prosecutor General says he is being criticized for constantly fighting corrupt prosecutors and judges. He says he will go to Parliament to ask for leverage to hold accountable and dismiss people from the justice system, and if he is allowed to do so then he promises that in three months he will cleanse justice of corrupt people.
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