Home Justice Searches in the office of an anti-corruption prosecutor who has investigated high...

Searches in the office of an anti-corruption prosecutor who has investigated high level officials in 2019


On May 22, PCCOCS prosecutors searched the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office and the National Anticorruption Center. Neither the PCCCOS representatives, nor those from the General Prosecutor’s Office denied or confirmed these actions.

Ziarul de Garda writes that the searches are taking place in the office of the anti-corruption prosecutor Mihail Ivanov, who has investigated several high level officials in recent years, but also in the office of an employee of the National Anticorruption Center.

Mihail Ivanov is the prosecutor who managed the criminal investigation in the privatization case of “Air Moldova”, in the case of the tenders of hundreds of millions of lei won by the company “Bass System” or in the case of the two prosecutors from the Chisinau Prosecutor’s Office, Ciocana Office, detained together with three policemen, for a bribe worth 1.5 million lei. In December 2019 and January 2020 pressure was exerted on Mr Ivanov to resign or stop the investigations.

In the above mentioned cases, the anticorruption portal www.anticoruptie.md previously wrote that Ruslan Popov (the current deputy of the prosecutor general Alexandr Stoianoglo), who was then the head of the Ciocana Office of the Chisinau Prosecutor’s Office, was also involved in the wrong doing of the above mentioned prosecutor.

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