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EXCLUSIVE // DOC // A new referral to the Constitutional Court: Under the “magnifying glass” Law on the market of petroleum products


A new referral to the Constitutional Court. This time, the Constitutional Court is requested to comment on the constitutionality of Law no. 54 until April 9, 2021, for amending and supplementing the Law on the market of petroleum products no. 461 of July 30, 2001. The complaint was filed by MPs Andrian Candu and Vladimir Cebotari , on June 7 this year.

According to the authors of the referral, the provisions of the normative act cumulatively violate several articles of the Constitution of the Republic of Moldova.

Thus, MPs request:

  • 1. Declaration of admissibility of this notice
  • 2. Suspension until the resolution of the case, on the merits of the action of Law no. 54 until April 9, 2021 for the amendment and completion of the Law on the market of petroleum products no. 461 of July 30, 2001
  • 3. Declaration of the unconstitutionality of Law no. 54 sin 9 April 2021 for the amendment and completion of the Law on the market of petroleum products no. 461 of July 30, 2001

sesizare CC_2021.06.07 (1) by SafeNews

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