Alexander, it’s time to leave… You are the biggest disappointment in recent years! This is the message of the former Prime Minister of the Republic of Moldova, Ion Sturza, who came with a harsh criticism of the current General Prosecutor, Alexandr Stoianoglo.
Alexander, it’s time to leave… You’re the biggest disappointment in years. I thought you had ambition, you are a professional and you will face the mafia in the system. You once promised me personally. It was not to be. The saddest – you are one of them… You defied the president – repeatedly and arrogant – you defied an entire country. We remained like fools, thieves became “your friends’ ‘. Too bad. I apologize to those who hoped, believed, like me, in Alexander. But life goes on! It won’t be the way it was, because it was very ugly… Sturza wrote on a social network.
Towards the end, the former politician came with a message to those fleeing the country:
Товарищи воры! Лондон вам не поможет. Как, впрочем, и Прага, Стамбул, Тель-Авив, Дубай, Ростов – далее по списку.
Thieves! London won’t help you. As well as Prague, Istanbul, Tel Aviv, Dubai, Postov and so on, Sturza concluded.
We specify that lately, in the address of the current general prosecutor, Alexandr Stoianoglo, more and more criticisms appear. They also come from the PAS, who accuse him of complicity in the release of controversial people from the penitentiary and the delay of resonant files in Moldova, including “Laundromat” and “theft of the billion”.
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