After the interim head of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, Serghei Gavajuc announced that the institution will form a rogatory commission to obtain official documents from the Russian Federation based on the depositions of one of the witnesses of the so-called “Russian Laundromat”, banker Oleg Kuzmin. Inga Grigoriu, President “Laudromat” came with a reaction. Thus, she wrote on her Facebook page that Gavajuc’s statements arouse confusion, referring to an article published by at the end of December 2020, in which PG confirms that the institution received, during 2020, several requests for a rogatory commission from the authorities of the Russian Federation requesting that criminal investigation actions be carried out on the territory of the Republic of Moldova in the “Russian Laundromat” case.
Mr. Gavajuc, interim head of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, your statements on the Chisinau radio station caused a series of perplexities! Did you want to work with your counterparts in the Russian Federation or not? However, this article from ZDG indicates precisely that the anticorruption prosecution office did not want to cooperate. The Laundromat parliamentary commission of inquiry addressed a request to the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation on this very subject, but we are still waiting for an answer from our General Prosecutor’s Office, which is not very forthcoming, Grigoriu wrote on his Facebook page.
The reaction of the President of the Parliamentary Commission of Inquiry “Laundromat” came after the interim head of the anticorruption prosecution office, Serghei Gavajuc, declared for the Chisinau radio that a rogatory commission will be formed that will ask the Russian side for official information on this subject, after which it will decide on the actions.
“We do not have such depositions because the investigation is in the Russian Federation. We are now forming a rogatory commission on the subject in order to obtain documents from the Russian Federation. When we have official documents, we will decide on the actions for the future “, said Serghei Gavajuc.
Although at the end of December 2020, the General Prosecutor’s Office confirmed for that the institution received, during this year, several requests for a rogatory commission from the authorities of the Russian Federation requesting the performance of actions on the territory of the Republic of Moldova in the “Laundromat” case.
The Russian authorities also requested that Platon be informed of his arrest warrant for alleged illegal acts committed on Russian territory, which did not happen.
“With regard to Platons request for indictment, issued by the Russian authorities, we inform you that the accused was not charged because he refused to participate in this action, as the national criminal procedure law does not provide for coercive instruments for force him to do so ”, is shown in the answer given by the PG representatives for ZdG.
The PG also says that, currently, the procedure for executing the requests for a rogatory commission has been practically completed by the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office and NAC, the materials being systematized to be sent to the prosecutors from the Russian Federation.
In March 2020, the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Russian Federation sent a request to the General Prosecutor’s Office of the Republic of Moldova requesting a rogatory commission. Russian prosecutors demanded the indictment of Veaceslav Platon for money laundering in the “Laundromat” case. recalls that the Russian press wrote on Monday, February 8, that Oleg Kuzmin, co-owner of a Russian bank, signed an agreement with the prosecution, and in his testimony about money laundering he testified against politicians and businessmen known from the Republic of Moldova. These are Vlad Plahotniuc, Veaceslav Platon, Ilan Șor and Renato Usatii.
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