After being charged with a new criminal accusation namely “excess of power”, “forgery in public acts”, “illegal detention or arrest” and “knowingly prosecuting an innocent person”, the suspended head of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office comes with a reaction. Thus, during a press conference held on Monday, January 25, Viorel Morari wanted to answer every public accusation brought against him both by one of the co-owners of the “Vento” gas station network and by the General Prosecutor’s Office.
I come before you in this conference, as I believe that you have the right to know everything behind the events that concern me. And not because I am the one who tells you that I am INNOCENT, but because my IMAGE of prosecutor is at stake and when I talk about my prosecutorial activity, I am talking about more than 19 years in which I fully respect the legal framework. As it is! And not to put innocent people in prisons, or to deprive them of their business, as I am accused”, the suspended head of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office said at the beginning of his speech.
Further, Viorel Morari stated that “lately a practice has been created by which spokespersons of the General Prosecutor’s Office appear people who have been investigated and sentenced, because what this institution says is no longer credible”
After the general prosecutor who did justice to this case in the studio of a television station in the country, Igor Borș also came with accusations that I would categorize as SERIOUS, in which Viorel Morari is accused of being behind the so-called raider attack and having personal interests in the file generically called VENTO.
I am not here to JUSTIFY myself, I just want if there is a tendency to establish the truth to present to the public another part of the coin, which somehow seems to be left in the shadows. I will not come with accusations, I will give you the right to draw your own conclusions.
Morari explained that Igor Borș was charged with tax evasion and money laundering in particularly large proportions – 3,373,978 mln lei, and several documents of the State Fiscal Service on S.R.L Datario served as the evidence for this.
“Igor Borș was in charge of the Tirex oil company, and Adrian Borș initiated the creation of the Vento gas station empire. This empire was created as a result of the diminution of Tirex’s assets, because the brothers worked together. This results from the materials that were presented to the Anti-Corruption prosecution office by the specialized subdivision of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. For the management of the Vento empire, several enterprises were registered, where persons subordinated financially to the Borș brothers or in financial dependence by them appeared as administrators. Contracts were concluded between Tirex, managed by Igor Borș and Vento stations, which prejudiced Tirex and favored Vento “, said Morari.
According to the suspended chief prosecutor of the Anti-Corruption prosecution, this was demonstrated by an international audit conducted at Tirex.
This was partly established by the international audit carried out at Tirex, but for unclear reasons the director collaborating with the Anti-Corruption prosecution office was removed from office and Tirex subsequently gave up on any collaboration. This is also the reason according to which, in the end, the fact of fraudulent dispossession of the assets of this oil company was not investigated, Morari underlined.
At the same time, Morari said that the national energy price agency ANRE found that S.R.L Datario, the main enterprise, does not have a well-defined policy for initiating the record of expenses and preparing reports. The records are maintained with essential infringements, which would have influenced the results of the control.
“At the same turnover, the profit is lower, which indicates that the company’s expenses were increased,” he said, exemplifying the financial report of S.R.L. Datario.
Referring to the recent accusations of Igor Borș, Viorel Morari said that he spent 12 months in detention not because he or the prosecutors from the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office wanted it to, but because this fact was first of all imposed by the legal framework.
As far as I can remember, Igor Borș’s detention took place shortly after his brother fled the country. Therefore, there was a reasonable suspicion that Igor Borș could also evade arrest. You need to understand that in not every case you can predict how long it will take to administer evidence and intuit the behavior of the person being investigated. Are you asking me if 12 months is a lot or little? It is a lot! And I say it after I spent more than 30 days in the same conditions. It is probably a problem of the system and I admit that a multi aspectual analysis would have been necessary in order to apply a measure other than pre-trial detention for a period of one year. But let’s not overlook that checks have taken place, both from the prosecutor general. Detention for more than half a year shall be subject to the authorization of the Prosecutor General or his deputies. That is, after 6 months, the approach submitted by the case prosecutor is made with the consent of the general prosecutor. Moreover, the arrest warrants were issued by the investigating judges, and not a single judge, and the legality of these warrants was carried out by the judges of the Court of Appeal. ”
Viorel Morari did not ignore the accusations of Igor Borș, who stated that he had met with Vladimir Plahotniuc, being the one who would have told him that in fact Viorel Morari was the one who was behind this case, and that Morari wanted to deprive him of the business.
In the public space, for years there has been talk about the fact that Viorel Morari is Plahotniuc’s man. I remind you that in May 2019 I did not hold the position of chief anti-corruption prosecutor, because following a mediated scandal generated by an anonymous letter mentioning the VENTO file and various illegalities on my part, I applied for resignation (May 2019). Moreover, at that time I was also illegally intercepted by the NAC. I want you to draw your own conclusions whether or not I am Plahotniuc’s man, but when in October 2019 I communicated about the start of the criminal investigation and the announcement of his international arrest warrants, no records appeared in the public space regarding the reception of “black bags of money” by Viorel Morari or others with compromising content that would expose society’s perception that I am or am not Vladimir Plahotniuc’s man, Morari said.
Another detail that Morari wanted to present to the public opinion is the fact that the lawyers of the Borș brothers would have asked him to drop the accusation.
In November 2019, I received in audience the lawyers of the Borș brothers – Victor Munteanu and Vasile Nicoară. That discussion took place in the audience office of the National Anticorruption Center, where I was told the following: If I file the case regarding Borș Adrian and drop the accusation in the case of Igor Borș, I will have no problems.
At that very moment, I asked the lawyers to submit a reasoned request in this regard, which will be examined and, if there is a legal basis, it will be accepted. The requests submitted were on two tabs each, without proper motivation, later they were rejected by me as a hierarchically superior prosecutor. This fact can be demonstrated by checking the CNA entry registers for the period November 2019, said Viorel Morari.
You can watch the entire press conference below.
We remind you that a few days ago, the co-owner of the network, Igor Borș, together with his lawyer, held a press conference. They stated that a raider attack was attempted on the company and that it was Viorel Morari who linked the case to an alleged connection between Borș and Veaceslav Platon. The businessman said that after he got out of prison he discussed the subject with Vladimir Plahotniuc.
“Who do you think wanted to take this business from you?” Plahotniuc asked me after it was discussed in the society that people close to PDM were behind the attack. I replied that I did not know who needed this, but I know for sure that this man who told you about the connection between me and Plato knows. He told me directly that this is Viorel Morari, which surprised me because such people do not say such a thing directly “, said Igor Borș.
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