The current Prosecutor General applies double standards in case management but also when making public statements. This is the opinion of the suspended chief prosecutor of the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office, Viorel Morari. During a press conference, Morari stated that the general prosecutor does not have the powers to present results on the investigation of the files and this is because he would never have had the activity of investigator, emphasizing the fact that Stoianoglo would have held managerial positions.
Viorel Morari organized a press conference on Wednesday, December 2, emphasizing that his press intervention was guided by two factors.
“First of all, the statements of Platon Veaceslav on a local television station regarding the involvement of the undersigned in certain events in social life. But also the fact that today it is becoming a trend – people on whom certain suspicions are planning are speaking on behalf of prosecutors. Secondly, yesterday’s press briefing organized by the Prosecutor General Stoianoglo Alexandr on his achievements from his one year in office mentioned the suspended head of the PA”
Viorel Morari wanted to draw a parallel between the statements of the Prosecutor General Alexandr Stoianoglo, made during the briefing on Tuesday, December 1, where Stoianoglo presented his “successes” from a year in office and the actions of prosecutors in cases of the Morari family. Morari argued that statements made by Stoianoglo about the fact that the actions of the prosecutors are strictly governed by law and no longer persecute businessmen – are false and represent lies
“Let me give you an example of the investigation on my brother’s company. First of all, the criminal case could not be started without an act issued by the Tax authorities in which it was found that there are suspicions in the company’s financial circuit. This was done later and it was found that my brother’s company overpaid taxes to the state budget, which led to my removal from criminal investigation, “said Viorel Morari.”
And that’s not all. The Morari family was also accused in another criminal case, which was not known in the public until now. This is accusation is for ammunition storage. Viorel Morari claims that this is also illegal.
“This criminal case was started as a result of the searches on the criminal case on the fact of illicit enrichment and money laundering against Viorel Morari and his family members. During the search, two shotgun cartridges were found, or, this weapon is held perfectly legally as well as the ammunition for it, claims the suspended Chief Prosecutor of the Anti-Corruption prosecution office.
In the criminal case, started on the fact of money laundering regarding the Morarri family, Viorel Morari’s brother-in-law would has been recognized as a suspect for buying and selling in the same year a Skoda Superb 200,000 lei.
Also in the same criminal case, the accountant of the company “Irarom – Grup” S.R.L. and my mother – Morari Eugenia, my brother and I are being criminally investigated, said Viorel Morari.
In order to prove the unfoundedness of the accusation of money laundering against my mother and to fight the allegations of the Prosecutor General Stoianoglo that the mother had no legal income, the former head of the APO presented evidence of transfers from Portugal on his behalf since 2001.
Morari added that Stoianoglo also lied when he stated that he solved the cases of judges Domnica Manole and Dorin Munteanu. According to Morari, these were resolved before Stoianoglo became prosecutor general.
“If we talk again about double standards, the prosecutor general claims that he cannot contain Platon when he discloses information about the billion theft investigation. I personally was forced not to disclose data about the criminal investigation against me, and in the case of Platon the general prosecutor considers that he does not know what to do and accuses him of the absence of 7 years at home “, pointed out Viorel Morari who added that all the cleanliness that Alexandr Stoianoglo did in the Prosecutor’s Office refers only to the anti-corruption prosecutors who were persecuted and charged with criminal charges.
In this context, Morari stated that the files initiated regarding his family members were started illegally and claims that, at a certain stage, he will sue the general prosecutor.
“Yes, of course, I will sue him, at a certain stage I will do it. I can do it tomorrow, but it is important at the moment to participate in the examination of my indictment. Nine hearings have been appointed, one after the other, until December 23 on the case in which I am accused. I will address a complaint against the Prosecutor General regarding the denigration of my image as a prosecutor and citizen of the Republic of Moldova. I have to do this with enough evidence, but not just formal statements, Viorel Morari pointed out.
The suspended Chief Prosecutor of the APO further stated that from the statements made in the public space by Veaceslav Platon, the incumbent president Igor Dodon but also of the leaks in the media, he has the impression that Stoianoglo and Platon collaborate: “from sources, I know that Stoianoglo was a kind of a consultant to Platon on legal issues “
“Platon failed to get out of the penitentiary and already stated that Morari has a criminal investigation. Plus the revelations made on the theft of the billion, if it is proved that the prosecutors were determined by a party involved in the case to make certain decisions then this case is compromised “, added Morari.
Viorel Morari also spoke about the journalistic investigations regarding the prosecutors and the attitude of the General Prosecutor towards them is one of ignorance.
The Prosecutor General has a selective approach, clearly different in the cases of other prosecutors (Popov, Popenco, etc. compared) to my case. The difference lies in the following: in my case – an anonymous letter, in other cases (Popov, Popenco, etc.) – genuine journalistic investigations. In my case – starting the criminal investigation without notifying ANI, in the rest of the cases – notifying ANI and waiting for the answer, MORARI underlined.
In conclusion, the suspended head of the APO, stated that he has learned his lesson and that he assumes the risks, emphasizing that incompetence can no longer be tolerated.
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