The Constitutional Court rejected the notification of the MPs Andrian Camdu and Vladimir Cebotari regarding the constitutionality of Law no. 54 until April 9, 2021 for amending and supplementing the Law on the market of petroleum products no.
For these reasons, based on articles 135 par. (1) lit. a) and 140 of the Constitution, 251 of the Law on the Constitutional Court, 6, 71, 61 and 64 of the Code of Constitutional Jurisdiction, the Constitutional Court PROVIDES:
Rejects the request of Adrian Candu and Vladimir Cebotari, deputies in the Parliament, regarding the suspension of the action of Law no. 54 of April 9, 2021 for the amendment of the Law on the market of petroleum products no. 461 of July 30, 2001.
This Decision is final, cannot be subject to any appeal, shall enter into force on the date of adoption and shall be published in the Official Gazette of the Republic of Moldova.
We specify that on June 7, deputies Andrian Candu and Vladimir Cebotari filed a complaint, requesting the Constitutional Court to comment on the constitutionality of Law no. 54 and April 9, 2021 to amend and supplement the Law on the market of petroleum products no. 461 of July 30, 2001
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