The prosecutor’s service, headed by Alexandr Stoianoglo, hides certain events and facts of some characters from the file generically called “Laundromat” the operation of laundering money through the banks of the Republic of Moldova, Alexandr Stoianoglo, who was then chairman of the Parliamentary Commission on national security, defense and public order, he must have known about it.
These are the main conclusions that emerge from the hearings that took place on February 3, meeting of the Commission of Inquiry on Laundromat, during which the former PLR deputy, Valeriu Saharneanu, former member of the Parliamentary Commission for National Security, Defense and Public Order, was heard.
At the beginning of the hearing, the deputy Inga Grigoriu, the head of the “Laundromat” Commission, stated that the activity of the commission accumulated a large volume of information. Grigoriu pointed out that the Anticorruption Prosecutor’s Office refuses to provide information, and this fact would be caused by a series of discussions between hierarchically superior people – from the General Prosecutor’s Office.
“Instead of dealing with this case, the prosecutor’s office is trying to wash away the image of a recently released character with whom he has certain nightly meetings. In this case, generically called “Laundromat”, the prosecutor’s office hides certain events and facts of some characters “, Grigoriu declared.
Asked to state whether Stoianoglo, as deputy and head of the National Security, Defense and Public Order Commission, knew at the time about the dubious transactions, Valeriu Saharneanu admitted that the current prosecutor general was aware of what was happening.
“I think Mr. Stoianoglo is hiding something. As a deputy, he knew many things, we were colleagues “, said Saharneanu, who also said that, in his opinion, the prosecutor’s office does too little to investigate the case.
We remind you that, previously, Stoianoglo declared that he only found out about Laundromat from the press. It should be mentioned that, during the money laundering through the Republic of Moldova, Alexandru Stoianoglo as head of the National Security, Defense and Public Order Commission was an ex-officio member of the Supreme Security Council, a structure that was very well informed in this regard.
During the hearings, the ex-deputy Valeriu Saharneanu also said that he finds it strange that the file of the corruption of the deputies with money came, according to some information, from Laundromat, showing that the Prosecutor’s Office is responsible for this fact.
“I am very surprised that the file on the corruption of deputies has been filed and all this mess with the release of Platon and Filat. These are things that were agreed with Dodon and did not beneficial for the Republic of Moldova. He is the Prosecutor General, who must be held accountable for these facts. Corruption is the country’s main problem and the inaction should be judged and condemned “, said Saharneanu.
We remind you that over 22 billion dollars from Russia were laundered through the Moldovan banking system, and one of the main authors of this money laundering scheme was Veaceslav Platon, also known as the raider no. 1 from the CIS countries. Platon was sentenced to prison, but was released last summer at the insistence of Prosecutor General Alexandr Stoianoglo, who recently stated about the “Laundromat” case that there was no evidence. We specify that “Moldindconbank”, a banking institution that was associated with Platon, was involved in the money laundering scheme.
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