Government Thursday, March 25, 2021, is exactly 45 days since the first investment request of the “Gavriliță” Government! The former judge of the Constitutional Court, Coreliu Gurin, informs about this fact. Thus, through a post on a social network, the former constitutional judge mentions that “Parliament can be dissolved, if it has not accepted the vote of confidence for the formation of the Government, within 45 days from the first request and only after the rejection of at least two investment applications.
” From the section – “Did you know that…?”: On March 25, 2021, exactly 45 days will pass since the first investment request of the “Gavriliță” Government (February 8, 2021)? According to Article 85 paragraph (2) of the Constitution – “Parliament may be dissolved, if it has not accepted the vote of confidence for the formation of the Government, within 45 days from the first request and only after the rejection of at least two requests for investiture. ” wrote Corneliu Gurin.
At the same time, Gurin also wanted to refer to the Decision of the Constitutional Court no. 30 from 01.10.2013
And according to the Decision of the Constitutional Court no. 30 of 01.10.2013, within the meaning of paragraphs (1) and (2) of Article 85 of the Constitution: – the right of the President of the Republic of Moldova to dissolve the Parliament in case of non-acceptance of the vote of confidence for the formation of the Government occurs after the expiration of 45 days from the first request and the rejection of at least two investment requests until the expiration of 3 months; – after the expiration of the 3-month term, the President of the Republic of Moldova is obliged to dissolve the Parliament if the formation of the Government has failed, including if the vote of confidence for the formation of the Government has not been accepted, the jurist concluded.
We remind you that on January 27, during a press briefing, President Maia Sandu appointed Natalia Gavriliță to the position of Prime Minister of the country. During the February 11 meeting, the deputies did not support Natalia Gavrilița as prime minister.
On February 11, President Maia Sandu repeatedly submits Gavriliță for the position of prime minister. Subsequently, on February 23, the Constitutional Court issued a decision by which the Decree of repeated appointment of Natalia Gavrilița to the position of Prime Minister was declared unconstitutional.
On March 16, Maia Sandu announced a new candidacy for the position of prime minister of the country, that of Igor Grosu.
The Socialists addressed the Constitutional Court, and on March 22, the High Court declared constitutional the decree of the country’s president, Maia Sandu, by which Igor Grosu was promoted to the position of prime minister.
As a result, on Thursday, March 25, Igor Grosu will request his investiture vote at the Parliament sitting.
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