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DOC// PHOTO// Acquisitions of millions, in full pandemic and economic crisis. The General Prosecutor’s Office announces tenders for construction works


In the midst of a pandemic and economic crisis, the General Prosecutor’s Office announced repair and construction works, exceeding several million lei. According to public information, the repair works will be carried out in the headquarters of several Prosecution Offices in the country’s districts.

According to M Tender, the offices of the Prosecutor’s Offices of Cantemir, Leova and Soroca districts will be renovated, and the cost of the repair works is a little over 2.4 million lei.

Therefore, between July 6 and July 20, 14 offers were registered from construction companies, in order to carry out the public works.

6 companies were registered for the construction works of the Cantemir Prosecutor’s Office.

the Cantemir Prosecutor’s Office
the Cantemir Prosecutor’s Office
the Cantemir Prosecutor’s Office

The Soroca District Prosecutor’s Office will also be thoroughly renovated. Four companies have registered in order to carry out the public works.

the Soroca Prosecutor’s Office
the Soroca Prosecutor’s Office
the Soroca Prosecutor’s Office

In order to carry out the repair work of the Leova District Prosecutor’s Office, four companies have registered in order to carry out the public works.

the Leova Prosecutor’s Office
the Leova Prosecutor’s Office

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