One year after the Prosecutor General, Alexandr Stoianoglo, filed a complaint regarding the journalistic materials concerning his deputy, Ruslan Popov, nothing has happened. The PPDA deputy, Inga Grigoriu, reminded me about this fact. In a post on his Facebook page, the parliamentarian announced that she addressed ANI and emphasized that she will carefully monitor the subject.
One year ago, the investigative journalists from the portal published a material on the control of the assets of a high-ranking dignitary. The Prosecutor General has self – notified himself about the materials presented in the public space, but for more than a year nothing has been heard about this case. We will monitor carefully, Grigoriu wrote.
In this regard, Grigoriu addressed ANI with some questions, in which she tries to find out if the institution received from the General Prosecutor’s Office requests related to clarifying the facts exposed in the journalistic investigation and if ANI issued any findings on behalf of the deputy. Prosecutor General Ruslan Popov.
At the beginning of this year, the ICJM published two investigations about Ruslan Popov’s wealth and the business that the prosecutor manages from the dark, but which is registered in the name of his father, who is retired simple peasant. The investigation into Ruslan Popov’s fortune mentioned about the three-level house, valued by experts at at least two million lei, which the prosecutor passed in the declaration of wealth and personal interests at the price of 111,000 lei (approx. 6000 euros).
The investigation also showed that, in 2014, Popov donated to his in-parents in law a plot of land on which they would soon build a building of over 160 square meters. In the wealth declaration for 2018, Ruslan Popov stated that in 2014, he borrowed 10,000 euros from his father-in-law, and in two years, 50,000 euros from his mother-in-law, debts that he undertook to pay in 20 years. It’s just that Ion Oprea (the father in law of Popov) died a few years ago.
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