The leader of PAS, Maia Sandu, launched the election campaign on Thursday, October 2, for the presidential elections in the Republic of Moldova, which will take place on November 1. Maia Sandu’s slogan for this campaign is “It’s time for good people”.
The event began with the singing of the state anthem. A screen was set up on a stage, where the lyrics of the state anthem were broadcasted.
“The time for good people is coming. Today, politics is knocking on everyone’s door again. We have presidential elections in 30 days, and these elections are perhaps more important than ever, our country is turning 30 next year. We need a president who knows how to put Moldova on the right path, not one who will keep us in the mud. We need a president who will give us hope tomorrow “, said Maia Sandu.
The PAS leader mentioned that she is not perfect, but “I care and I know you care too”.
“Please, in the next hours, days, have our eyes wide open, our souls open. Dear all, we can do something we’re all proud of. We can make a country that we all want for our families “, said Maia Sandu.
According to Maia Sandu, “Moldova can no longer afford improvisation or corruption.”
“A poorly managed state is a disease, and we have the medicine with you – our vote. It is our voice that is heard more and more respectfully in houses, streets, in the city “, said Maia Sandu.
Eight candidates registered for the November 1 presidential election: Renato Usatii – Our Party Political Party, Andrei Nastase – Dignity and Truth Platform, Tudor Deliu – Liberal Democratic Party, Igor Dodon – independent candidate (de facto PSRM candidate), Violeta Ivanov – Şor Political Party, Maia Sandu – Action and Solidarity Party, Octavian Ţîcu – National Unity Party, Dorin Chirtoacă – UNIREA Electoral Bloc.
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