Igor Dodon, supported by the Socialists, launched the election campaign for the presidential elections on November 1, during an event held on the construction site of a road that has been under repair for several years. More precisely, it is about the R6 M1-Ialoveni road (also called sector no. 1 of the ring road of Chisinau municipality), the rehabilitation of which started in 2015 and which led to the imprisonment of a former Minister of Transport Chirinciuc. The representatives of Dodon’s team motivated the choice of this set up for the “lucrative atmosphere” on the site, SafeNews.md reports with reference to zdg.md.
We thought it was a beautiful setting. The works are going well and we are launching our campaing on this background “
The communication manager of the Igor Dodon, Ludmila Munteanu, confirmed for ZdG that the launch of the presidential campaign took place on the R6 M1-Ialoveni road and that the section was chosen for the lucrative atmosphere on the site.
„It is about the ring road of Chisinau municipality, sector no. 1. It is a symbolic road. According to the presidential elections platform, in the next 5 years it is expected to invest about 40 billion lei” and the candidate Igor Dodon thought that it would be good and very symbolic to launch the election campaign on this road. There really are repair works, it is technical and it is very symbolic. We thought it was a beautiful setting, the works are going well, in fact, we are launching on this background “, Ludmila Munteanu declared.
The rehabilitation of the R6 M1-Ialoveni road was decided in 2013, when Iurie Leancă was at the head of the Government, and at the head of the Ministry of Transport and Road Infrastructure was Vasile Botnari. The rehabilitation of this section was to be carried out within a program aimed at the reconstruction of national road sectors, with a total length of 306 km, financed under two agreements with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) and the European Investment Bank (EIB). ) in the total the amount of investment is close to 300 million euros.
In September 2015, when Iurie Chirinciuc was in charge of the Ministry of Transport, the contract was signed with a total value of about 8,972,662.95 euros with the Bulgarian company SK-13 Patstroy JSC. The deadline for the execution of the works was expected for January 2018, but the works continue today, being executed by another company.
Minister Chirinciuc’s “road” to prison
Almost 2 years after the contract was signed (April 2017), Chirinciuc, the interim general director of the State Road Administration (ASD), Veaceslav Teleman, and the heads of two construction companies were detained for influence and abuse of office, and in May 2019 Chirinciuc was sentenced to 3 years and 6 months in prison with execution, with deprivation of the right to exercise public office, for 5 years.
According to the criminal investigation, Chirinciuc, in complicity with Teleman and the heads of the two construction companies, allegedly put pressure on the Bulgarian company “SK-13 Patstroy”, which won the tender for the rehabilitation of the road “R6 M1-Ialoveni”, with a length of 6.5 km, for it to cede 50 percent of the volume of works (out of a total amount of approximately 9 million euros) to two economic agents. “Subsequently, referring to an indication of the minister, the administrator of” Global Trans Construction “would have extorted from the same economic agent 5 percent of the contract amount, i.e about 400 thousand euros, part of the money (80,000 euro) to be returned to the decision-makers within ASD ”, NAC announced.
Regarding the fate of the rehabilitation works, the head of press relations within the State Road Administration ASD, Viorela Dimici, informed us that in 2018 the contract with the Bulgarian company “SK-13 Patstroy” was terminated, on the grounds that it did not honor the commitments made in the Action Plan. Subsequently, the state signed a new contract, the start of works began on September 24, 2019. The contractor – S.R.L. Rutador and S.A. Lusmecon – have another year until the completion of the works.
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